domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008
santa esmeralda - don't let me be misunderstood
yesterday's night summary. and thank you to those that know me, who i am, and how i am.
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008
such a long time!
before serbia...
- wednesday 13: we woke up preparing a girls dinner for that night, we had lunch together and, after changing plans several times, we finally ended up having dinner all together in gerard's room.
before that of course swedish homework and swedish class, but then we had our reward. very nice dinner, and very nice way of saying goodbye to everyone.
then i tried to tidy up or prepare the luggage but i couldn't, so i went to diego's and then to laia's, and stayed there some time with her and lukas. then she came back home with me and we had a nice long talk as we used to have :)
oh, and yes, i finished everything late enough for not sleeping much, as in every trip!
- thursday 14: some people came to have breakfast here together, and then goodbye, get my things and to the airport...
-- budapest, serbia, macedonia --
- saturday 1: we arrived from our trip straight to laia's goodbye party. it was a strange bunch of feelings, meeting everyone after almost 3 weeks, realising that we had missed a lot of things here, but also that people had missed us and it could be noticed (so many caring gestures! :)), knowing that laia was about to leave and we couldn't assimilate it so quickly, tired but partying...
btw, the party was great. we had made some t-shirts for all of us, and it was a surprise for laia. then she sang something for us, we took lots of group pictures...
and i slept very well, feeling at home... (thanks :))
- sunday 2: basically recovering from the trip, the party, the farewells... both phisical and emotionally.
- monday 3: class, work all afternoon at home. dinner at home and games evening at victor's. it was our first day there, but since we left to serbia they started organising these evenings every monday, and every time there's more and more people!
- tuesday 4: i wanted to be at home in the morning beacuse andrea was leaving to barcelona. then to class, dinner at home, and we went to the jam session. but in a different mood, we didn't even watch the band, we were in another room talking and so, very nice. when we came back to sundbyberg everyone went home, except some of us that stayed for a long while in the 2nd corridor, tender moments :)
- wednesday 5: we couldn't go skating because sundbyberg's rink was closed. so i decided to go for a walk around sundbyberg. i hadn't gone that far before, and t's so nice! the park, the lake, hundred of ducks again, the tower, the church... and sunny! so perfect.
then back home to do my swedish essay, lunch with maite, and swedish class. the first half we were thinking about leaving the course, but the second half was not so bad, so i think we will try to continue a bit further...
we organised a dinner in my flat, then we went to victor's to prepare some more cumbres de sundby (we will have 46 litres this time!) and then a film. back home, a nice snowfall, and as i didn't want to go down to the snow, the snow came to me :D
- thursday 6: mainly working all day, surprisingly. and at night puting everything together for the final presentation.
and btw, manuel and roel were back here that weekend! it was so great to see them here again...
- friday 7: all morning in school, and in the afternoon the final presentation. sooo long! 7 hours discussing seriously about useless things. but at least we passed what in madrid woud be proyects8, and without even drawing a plan! unbelievable...
at night we all went to berns, in östermalm. basically it was me with 16 guys, funny picture...
- saturday 8: lazy day, sunday lunch, and party at home at night. not so long as other days because we wanted to go out afterwards, but as nice. we went to ace, in hötorget, and we really liked it, was a great night. and finally i got a little help and i could sleep a bit (i know it might sound strange, but that week without andrea i found it difficult to sleep...) :)
and on sunday silvia came and i already wrote about that, so you know the rest now...
- wednesday 13: we woke up preparing a girls dinner for that night, we had lunch together and, after changing plans several times, we finally ended up having dinner all together in gerard's room.
before that of course swedish homework and swedish class, but then we had our reward. very nice dinner, and very nice way of saying goodbye to everyone.
then i tried to tidy up or prepare the luggage but i couldn't, so i went to diego's and then to laia's, and stayed there some time with her and lukas. then she came back home with me and we had a nice long talk as we used to have :)
oh, and yes, i finished everything late enough for not sleeping much, as in every trip!
- thursday 14: some people came to have breakfast here together, and then goodbye, get my things and to the airport...
-- budapest, serbia, macedonia --
- saturday 1: we arrived from our trip straight to laia's goodbye party. it was a strange bunch of feelings, meeting everyone after almost 3 weeks, realising that we had missed a lot of things here, but also that people had missed us and it could be noticed (so many caring gestures! :)), knowing that laia was about to leave and we couldn't assimilate it so quickly, tired but partying...
btw, the party was great. we had made some t-shirts for all of us, and it was a surprise for laia. then she sang something for us, we took lots of group pictures...
and i slept very well, feeling at home... (thanks :))
- sunday 2: basically recovering from the trip, the party, the farewells... both phisical and emotionally.
- monday 3: class, work all afternoon at home. dinner at home and games evening at victor's. it was our first day there, but since we left to serbia they started organising these evenings every monday, and every time there's more and more people!
- tuesday 4: i wanted to be at home in the morning beacuse andrea was leaving to barcelona. then to class, dinner at home, and we went to the jam session. but in a different mood, we didn't even watch the band, we were in another room talking and so, very nice. when we came back to sundbyberg everyone went home, except some of us that stayed for a long while in the 2nd corridor, tender moments :)
- wednesday 5: we couldn't go skating because sundbyberg's rink was closed. so i decided to go for a walk around sundbyberg. i hadn't gone that far before, and t's so nice! the park, the lake, hundred of ducks again, the tower, the church... and sunny! so perfect.
then back home to do my swedish essay, lunch with maite, and swedish class. the first half we were thinking about leaving the course, but the second half was not so bad, so i think we will try to continue a bit further...
we organised a dinner in my flat, then we went to victor's to prepare some more cumbres de sundby (we will have 46 litres this time!) and then a film. back home, a nice snowfall, and as i didn't want to go down to the snow, the snow came to me :D
- thursday 6: mainly working all day, surprisingly. and at night puting everything together for the final presentation.
and btw, manuel and roel were back here that weekend! it was so great to see them here again...
- friday 7: all morning in school, and in the afternoon the final presentation. sooo long! 7 hours discussing seriously about useless things. but at least we passed what in madrid woud be proyects8, and without even drawing a plan! unbelievable...
at night we all went to berns, in östermalm. basically it was me with 16 guys, funny picture...
- saturday 8: lazy day, sunday lunch, and party at home at night. not so long as other days because we wanted to go out afterwards, but as nice. we went to ace, in hötorget, and we really liked it, was a great night. and finally i got a little help and i could sleep a bit (i know it might sound strange, but that week without andrea i found it difficult to sleep...) :)
and on sunday silvia came and i already wrote about that, so you know the rest now...
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008
soap bubbles just float for a while
as we all know, snow can't last forever. after 4 days snowing, today it stopped. there is still some in the street, and it might snow again some other day, but as i see it now i think it's going to melt and that's it...
but anyway, no one can take from me now the memory of these "bubble" days...
but anyway, no one can take from me now the memory of these "bubble" days...
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008
walking in the air...
yesterday i finally went to the swimming pool (yes laia, i did! these people can prove it!), and it was really nice.
and i remembered one thing... (alberto, do you remember when we made this proyect with berriochoa?) well, a year ago we made a proyect of a swimming pool, and this teacher told everyone, again and again, to put large windows because it would be so nice to see the snow falling while swimming, and we all thought that wasn't a good reason because in madrid never snows. but yesterday it did here! and i can say it's sooo nice to see the snow from the water :D
and today it was snowing all the day long, even with some sun at the same time! strange... so i went for a walk with gerard, around sundbyberg's lake. and there wasn't enough snow on the floor to jump around, but it was great to feel the snowflakes on the face...
ps: this is the soundtrack of today, i kind of feel like floating...
and i remembered one thing... (alberto, do you remember when we made this proyect with berriochoa?) well, a year ago we made a proyect of a swimming pool, and this teacher told everyone, again and again, to put large windows because it would be so nice to see the snow falling while swimming, and we all thought that wasn't a good reason because in madrid never snows. but yesterday it did here! and i can say it's sooo nice to see the snow from the water :D
and today it was snowing all the day long, even with some sun at the same time! strange... so i went for a walk with gerard, around sundbyberg's lake. and there wasn't enough snow on the floor to jump around, but it was great to feel the snowflakes on the face...
ps: this is the soundtrack of today, i kind of feel like floating...
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008
domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008
not a normal week!
silvia and pepe were here this week (it was great to have you here!), and it was really exhaustive!
the first two days just with silvia here. on sunday dinner at gerard's to see how the elections went, a film at victor's... then sightseeing and shopping on monday, and nice dinner and talk with our "typical" bottle of white wine (i missed that, we hadn't done it in ages!).
tuesday a spa! sooo nice. and a bit of work in the afternoon, but not too much! because at night we had to go to the jam session to see roel play (yes, he was also back here, and manuel too!), pick up pepe from the bus, and again a long talk and some drinks at home, first with more people and finally just the three of us, until... puff.
and in the morning to class, with a lot of coffee! and after finishing my work, to get everything and to the viking line! trip to mariehamn.... fun, and same stories as usual :)
at night party at victor's (even without him being, and nice welcome for his friends!), with smoking breaks in pedro's (and fun joking with the portuguese :P). it started quiet, but we ended up going to sleep with daylight, so...
just 3 hours of sleep (nice sleep, though) and to my presentation, in not my best condition... but i managed (thank you diego for staying with me, it was much better having you there!). and at night it seemed we didn't have any plans, but in a moment we decided to meet in victor's (and learned a fun drinking game!) and then go to patricia (the boat club). it was like new year's eve again, it's a place worth seeing for tourists... and it closes at 5, so with one things and another we came home really late, again with daylight, it was a night just the same as in spain! :)
saturday morning wasted, nice "sunday lunch", a walk in stockholm, to the police station (some things never change, no matter the country! :P), then short pre-party at home and to nymble, it was the tentapub (big party after exams). back at home we went to joao's to let everyone try cumbres de sundby, and at 5.30 to t-centralen because pepe was leaving, so again to sleep with daylight! spanish timetable these days... :P
and today (well, 3 hours later) silvia left as well. so yes, i'm very tired, we didn't stop at all these days, but it was worth. i mean, looking for cheap flights to stay some days more just 3 hours before having to leave is a good sign, isn't it? :)
ps: great moments...
with the portuguese version too, of course!
the first two days just with silvia here. on sunday dinner at gerard's to see how the elections went, a film at victor's... then sightseeing and shopping on monday, and nice dinner and talk with our "typical" bottle of white wine (i missed that, we hadn't done it in ages!).
tuesday a spa! sooo nice. and a bit of work in the afternoon, but not too much! because at night we had to go to the jam session to see roel play (yes, he was also back here, and manuel too!), pick up pepe from the bus, and again a long talk and some drinks at home, first with more people and finally just the three of us, until... puff.
and in the morning to class, with a lot of coffee! and after finishing my work, to get everything and to the viking line! trip to mariehamn.... fun, and same stories as usual :)
at night party at victor's (even without him being, and nice welcome for his friends!), with smoking breaks in pedro's (and fun joking with the portuguese :P). it started quiet, but we ended up going to sleep with daylight, so...
just 3 hours of sleep (nice sleep, though) and to my presentation, in not my best condition... but i managed (thank you diego for staying with me, it was much better having you there!). and at night it seemed we didn't have any plans, but in a moment we decided to meet in victor's (and learned a fun drinking game!) and then go to patricia (the boat club). it was like new year's eve again, it's a place worth seeing for tourists... and it closes at 5, so with one things and another we came home really late, again with daylight, it was a night just the same as in spain! :)
saturday morning wasted, nice "sunday lunch", a walk in stockholm, to the police station (some things never change, no matter the country! :P), then short pre-party at home and to nymble, it was the tentapub (big party after exams). back at home we went to joao's to let everyone try cumbres de sundby, and at 5.30 to t-centralen because pepe was leaving, so again to sleep with daylight! spanish timetable these days... :P
and today (well, 3 hours later) silvia left as well. so yes, i'm very tired, we didn't stop at all these days, but it was worth. i mean, looking for cheap flights to stay some days more just 3 hours before having to leave is a good sign, isn't it? :)
ps: great moments...

with the portuguese version too, of course!

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008
life forwards or backwards?
hoy en español otra vez, pero es que va de cine, español. un corto. por lo visto ha ganado varios premios desde el 2004, y, en cualquier caso, da que pensar...
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008
the charlatans
it's been long since the last time i talked about a group, and i think it was a nice custom...
i've "discovered" quite a lot of new groups this year, maybe i'll talk about them some day, but today i'll just share my last discovery:
i've "discovered" quite a lot of new groups this year, maybe i'll talk about them some day, but today i'll just share my last discovery:
the charlatans
martes, 4 de marzo de 2008
lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008
kiruna trip: pictures
thursday 31/01
kiruna's church
iron mine
our welcome to the camp...
the cabin
friday 01/02
ice hotel
ice hotel: church
ice hotel: bar
ice hotel: bar
ice hotel: a suit
ice hotel: another suit
ice hotel: and another
ice hotel: the hall
saturday 02/02:
train station
waiting for the train
on the way to narvik 

snow sculptures in kiruna
northern lights

sunday 03/02:
our camp


northern lights again!

friday 01/02
saturday 02/02:
sunday 03/02:
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